Singing Guide: The Originals

Singing Guide: The Originals

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Originals and Robert Plant's Vocal Technique

The Originals were a popular band in the 60s, who were known for their signature- a blend of hard rock, blues, and psychedelia with soulful vocals. The band was led by the legendary Robert Plant, who is regarded as one of the greatest rock singers of all time. If you are inspired by Plant's vocal style and want to learn how to sing like him, this article is for you.

Robert Plant's Vocal Technique

Plant's unique vocal style is characterized by his powerful and dynamic voice, his impressive range, and his emotive phrasing. To sing like Plant, you must master the following vocal techniques:

Control Your Breathing

Breathing is critical for producing a strong, resonant voice. Practicing breathing exercises regularly will help you develop breath control.

Practice Scales

Scales are an essential part of any singer's training. Singing scales will help you develop your pitch accuracy and strengthen your vocal cords.

Experiment with Vocal Registers

Plant is well-known for his use of different vocal registers- from his powerful chest voice to his lighter falsetto voice. Experimenting with different registers will help you find your unique sound.

Develop Your Vibrato

Vibrato refers to the natural fluctuation in pitch and volume as you sustain a note. Developing your vibrato will help make your voice more expressive and emotive.

Plant's signature sound is also characterized by his use of different vocal techniques, such as belting, growling, and using falsetto. To learn more about these techniques, check out Singing Carrots resources such as the Twang exercise, Growling exercise, Beggars Bounce, and Diaphragm Bounce, which can help you practice these.

Songs to Practice

To master Plant's vocal style, it's essential to study his songs. Here are some of Plant's greatest hits that showcase his vocal power and technique:

  • Whole Lotta Love: This iconic song is a great example of Plant's vocal versatility. Practice belting out the chorus and using different vocal registers.
  • Ramble On: This classic tune features Plant's falsetto singing and emotive phrasing. Focus on developing your vibrato while singing this song.
  • Black Dog: This high-energy song is known for Plant's dynamic vocal performance. Practice using different vocal techniques such as belting and growling while singing this song.
  • Kashmir: This epic track features Plant's impressive vocal range. Practice hitting high notes with power and control.
  • Stairway to Heaven: Plant's vocal performance on this iconic song is one of the greatest in rock history. Practice singing the song's emotional lyrics with intensity and sensitivity.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their singing skills. Here are some resources that can help you develop your vocal technique:

  • Vocal range test: Use this tool to determine your vocal range and compare it to Plant's.
  • Pitch accuracy test: Use this tool to assess your pitch accuracy and identify areas for improvement.
  • Vocal Pitch Monitor: Use this tool to visualize your sung notes on a virtual piano.
  • Pitch Training: This resource provides interactive vocal warm-ups, a pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility.
  • Search songs: Use this tool to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference.
  • Artist vocal ranges: Explore the vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers, including Plant.
  • Singing course: This 21-lesson program covers singing theory and practical tips to help you improve your vocal technique.

Keep practicing these techniques!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.